VENDOR SPOTLIGHT: Swiftly Scripted

Choosing the right professionals for your wedding is a personal decision and tends to lean on far more than just their portfolios alone. On a wedding day you spend so much time with your vendors, so having a connection with them makes the whole experience so much more enjoyable. We want you to have a chance to get to know your vendors a little better before you make that tough decision on who to choose. We reached out to our wedding professionals on your behalf so you can become better acquainted with them.

Meet Brittany, A Georgian Bay Wedding Stationer and Calligrapher.

As a self described nerd with an obsession for all things paper and ink, Brittany launched her business in early 2018 and has been making stationery dreams come true for her clients ever since. She believes there is simply no comparison to the alluring art of hand lettering and stationery design and truly loves helping to set the tone for an event through her beautiful calligraphy and stationery designs. Can you guess what her dream job would be if she wasn’t a stationery designer? Read on to find out!

You can find Brittany’s website here:
Make friends with her on social media: @swiftly.scripted

Tell us a bit more about your background AND HOW YOU GOT STARTED:

My background is actually completely different than what you would expect for someone in the creative world. I have multiple pieces of paper for things in the health field and would consider myself a nerd. I currently work as a lab tech and most days I love it (that's like anything right?). I also spent some time teaching sign language at Georgian College. While doing all of this I began to learn calligraphy and stationery design spending countless hours watching YouTube videos and teaching myself through trial and error as well as taking lessons through others in the profession. All of that has gotten me to where I am today and while I couldn’t admit to knowing it all I love continuing to learn and grow my skills.

How long have you been in business?:

I officially started the business in early 2018. Previous to this I had done a lot of calligraphy and stationery design for myself but hadn't for others. When people started asking me to create things for them I thought “why not me?” and Swiftly Scripted was born.

What are five words that describe your work?:

Modern, minimal, elegant, luxury, bold.

What does owning a small business mean to you & why do you love it?:

I love how personal owning a small business is. Being able to share the love of something that I am so passionate about is something I truly enjoy. I could talk about paper and ink all day, having someone who’s so excited about it with me is magic.

Do you have a ritual before starting your work day?:

I love to start my day moving. Whether it be a hit workout, a run or a class, I thrive on that feeling and mental clarity you get after a good workout and is perfect for getting the creative juices flowing.

Tell us about a defining moment for your business/career:

Allowing people to see my face on instagram was a pivotal moment for me. I had an account but at that point it was only my work and I hadn’t yet introduced myself as the person behind the business. I was so afraid of people seeing me and judging me for the work I was creating. That first picture of myself was me fully committing, I'm here and I'm all in.

What sets your business apart?:

The comforting feeling of knowing things will be looked after. My communication and knowledge of paper and ink are what set me apart. Stationery pieces are supposed to be fun and pretty, and I will definitely bring that to the table with my specialty of letterpress design and white ink printing. These techniques can often not be found on sites like etsy or minted and a stationery designer is who you come to for that.

What's your favourite part about what you do?:

Working with my amazing clients, sharing my obsession of paper with them, and being able to create a stationery dream for their wedding.

What's your favourite part about weddings specifically?:

The speeches are my favourite! I love hearing the stories from loved ones, the embarrassing stories about the bride and groom really showcase who they are individually and as a couple.

Who/what inspires you?:

I am really inspired by nature and my travels. Travel is something that I am really missing right now and all I want to do is get on a plane and go somewhere different. I often will be inspired by and choose colours for my designs that I have seen while out for a walk, run or one of my many other activities. I also love patterns and architecture that are really representative of other countries.

If you weren’t a Stationery designer, what would you be?:

If I wasn't a stationery designer I would still be a lab nerd, possibly choosing to specialize in a specific discipline in lab science, maybe research or transfusion medicine. Or read books for a living. Is that a job? I'd do well at that job!

What do you like to do on your day off?:

My day off to many probably wouldn't feel like a day off. I'd start it by exercising and getting in a good stretch. From there, depending on the day, I would run errands, visit friends and family, probably get some karate training in. Most likely an appointment of some kind too, I love to exercise but it takes a toll on my body! I also really enjoy reading and wish I had more time to do it. I usually will finish off my night reading a book to clear my head before bed, and boring books are the worst haha

What do you love about Georgian Bay?:

I love the combination of the outdoor activities for summer and winter. I am a very active person, from pole fitness, volleyball and running to learning snowboarding this year at Blue Mountain. Georgian Bay has numerous places to go for hikes and/or walks along the water, you name it we have it.

Where is your favourite place to eat/shop (or both) in Georgian Bay?:

Green Mango Tree has to be my favourite restaurant in Collingwood, the Thai food there is pretty incredible. I’m also hoping to try Low Down soon as I have heard really good things.

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?:

I would probably continue doing stationery but it would no longer be done at my little home in Stayner. I would be in different places around the world living the nomad life. Seeing the sights and doing the things while creating stationery masterpieces.