Surprise proposal at Good Family Farms in Meaford
Cassondra & Andrew
Good Family Farms, Meaford
From the Photographer:
I’ve known Cassondra since the moment I moved to this beautiful part of the world. She’s one of the warmest, most genuine people you could hope to meet and she holds a special place in my heart. When she reached out asking for my help and the help of Georgian Bay Bride to co-ordinate a surprise proposal to her partner, Andrew, I burst into tears and I squealed. She had everything already sorted in her head, all I really had to do was help come up with a cover story so we could document it. Cassondra & Andrew run Harvest Moon Farm on the property of Good Family Farms in Meaford and it made for the obvious and perfect backdrop for the next step they would take together. We organized a “stock” photo shoot, and they toured me around their farm rows and their greenhouse. The rest was up to them. I sobbed quietly behind my camera, and Rachel hid behind farm equipment with bubbly ready to go. Afterwards they celebrated their new engagement at the Sumac + Salt dinner presented by Georgian Bay Bride.
- Frances Beatty, Frances Beatty Photography

From the Couple:
How did you choose your location?:
Cassondra - I proposed to Andrew at Harvest Moon Farm, our vegetable farm at Good Family Farms outside Meaford. I knew it was a place Andrew would feel comfortable, where he could be himself. And also be utterly surprised! He would never assume I would propose to him in the garden. I had been thinking of a way to propose and when I realized that Georgian Bay Bride was doing a collaboration at the farm, I knew that it would be perfect.

How did you meet?:
Cassondra - We matched on Bumble. I had such a good feeling from our conversation that I broke my own dating rule and we had dinner on the first date (not just a drink).
Andrew - I unknowingly suggested we have dinner at her former workplace. She said no. Instead, we met at Justin's Oven in Kimberley. We were talking so much, it took our server at least an hour to take our order and we were the last people to leave the restaurant. It was snowing and the town looked like a snow globe - right out of a postcard. So we ended up going for a little walk and in typical small-town fashion Cassondra ran into someone she knew and we helped them move a stove of all things. Apparently, the person that was supposed to help them worked at Justin's Oven and was running late... it was certainly a memorable night!

How did you fall in love?:
Andrew - Cassondra would visit me at the farm I was working for. Her being there, seeing how I was living, sharing this part of me, and that she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty (even in her nice office clothes). She really accepted and encouraged this crazy dream I have to run my own farm. Just realizing that we shared so many similar values. That we could build a future together. Plus, she turns the food I grow into deliciousness.
Cassondra - There were so many small moments. I knew really early on that Andrew was my person. I remember him bringing this little ceramic dish (that a friend of his made) with pea sprouts he grew as a gift the first time he came to my place. He played ABBA and danced in the kitchen the first time he made me dinner. He learns my favourite songs on the guitar. He enjoys my feminist banter. I just kept thinking - who is this person? Did I really meet this wonderful human on the internet? There has to be something wrong. I had never felt so much like myself in a relationship. I remember wanting to say I love you around month 4 and made myself wait until at least 6 months had passed before telling him.

What’s your favourite thing about them?:
Andrew - Her drive to get something done that she wants to pursue. I admire that. She takes the time to understand me and to see where I'm coming from. Her ability to plan awesome getaways with unexpected pitstops. She prioritizes meaningful practices such as reading, yoga, and journaling. She is intentional. And also, accomplishing all of these things before I even wake up.
Cassondra - He is one of the kindest and most gentle people I know. Andrew grounds me. He is always there for his friends and family, and me. He has these deep, meaningful friendships. He always sees the good side. Andrew has also fully embraced my big, loud, messy family. Honestly, it means so much when I see him holding his own with my uncles or when I notice him messaging with my Dad. I have so many favourite things about him.

When/where did they propose?:
Cassondra - I wanted to surprise Andrew and had this crazy idea that Frances could capture it and elevate the proposal from a regular day to something really special for us. Earlier in the year, I had revamped our website and I told Andrew that our friend Frances was going to take photos for it. Andrew knew that we were going to take a few photos and that I had a surprise dinner date for us (which isn't strange for us - and it was actually my turn to surprise). This also meant he had to look somewhat presentable and not be in farm clothes. Andrew was very into the veg photos and showing Frances around the garden! I wanted to ask him near the greenhouse and the flowers. I remember being so nervous, I can't believe he didn't say anything. I was very glad Frances and I had made a plan before - she was so great with the prompts and making everything feel natural. I didn't think he would wear an engagement ring, so instead, I had a guitar pick engraved with "will you marry me?" I actually had to ask him twice, he said yes so quick my brain didn't even register it the first time! Afterward, another friend Rachel surprised us with bubbly and we had the most lovely on-farm dinner prepared by our friends Joel and Hannah of Sumac + Salt. It was so special sharing this news, and this evening surrounded by friends and also having the intimacy of the proposal in a place we had spent so much time and energy that summer.
Andrew - I was so pumped to be at the farm with Cassondra for a special photoshoot and dinner date that I never thought a proposal would be slipped in there! She did such an amazing job and left a very happy fiancé.

Photography: Frances Beatty Photography
Venue: Good Family Farms