Cuddly summertime engagement session by the river
Serena & Brett
Clarksburg, Ontario
From the Photographer:
I love the fact that we live in SUCH a beautiful area and that there are constantly new magical places to discover. I had been to the dam in Clarksburg before but it was so long ago I had forgotten about it until Serena & Brett suggested it as one of their favourite spots. Often I come up with options based on where I've done work before and where I know the setting and the light will be good, but it's really meaningful when a couple has their own special spot.
Serena & Brett were very nervous about being photographed but they are fun, nature loving people and were totally willing to get their feet wet...and pretty muddy! I loved their sense of humour with each other and their love for this area, that they have now made their home. I also loved their willingness to trust me even when I was asking them to jump into streams and twirl on bridges, especially since this was our first meeting. It was a beautiful sun filled morning and I drove home wet and barefoot after the session feeling like I had made two new friends.

From the Couple:
How did you meet?: Brett and I met the good old fashion way 5 and a half years ago... Tinder. I was living in Thunder Bay and bouncing around Northern Ontario on school placements. Brett was doing landscape design in London, ON. I happed to be home in Muskoka for a couple of weeks in the summer, visiting my parents, and he was at a friend's cottage that same weekend. As the fate of the internet would have it we managed to connect. Meeting your significant other online, although more and more common, continues to have somewhat of a negative connotation. However, our paths would have never crossed without it! I lived 1550km from my soul mate and without modern technology I wouldn't be marrying the love of my life!

How did you fall in love?: When did we fall in love... I think the falling happens gradually so it's hard to place that in time. The memory of the first time we shared "I love you" is a very clear memory for both of us. Brett was visiting me on one of the final weekends of an 8 month placement. I was staying in a little cabin on the lake and it was the weekend before I had to move out at the end of March. I insisted on one final hurrah and that we should go skinny dipping. Brett was skeptical but I pleaded and he agreed. We got down to the water and I hesitated, rethinking my foolish aspirations as I saw the thin film of ice across the dock... followed by a naked bum running by me and into the lake! I wasn't about to be shown up and jumped in after him! We ran back up to the cabin, shivering, and Brett grabbed a big towel wrapping it around the both of us. Between chattering teeth I told him I loved him... he gave me a big kiss and told me he loved me - the rest is history!

What's your favourite thing about them?: Serena - My favourite thing about Brett is that he is the kindest most genuine person there has ever been! He never hesitates to help a friend, he is endlessly supportive and a truly good man. He is patient beyond belief and is the perfect combination of hardworking and laid back. He believes through and through that everything is going to be ok as long as we're together. He's quiet, he's goofy, he's smart, talented and handy... I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't fall in love with his "awh shucks" boy next door demeanour. He's humble. He'll take a compliment - but it will undoubtedly make him uncomfortable. Oh... and not to mention he's handsome!
Alrighty, now that I've sufficiently embarrassed Brett I'll hand the computer over to him.
Brett - My favourite thing about Serena is that I know no matter what she will be there for me. If I am injured, if I need someone to talk to, or as simple as coming along to watch my play hockey she is always happy to be there. Serena loves deeply. Whether it’s her friends, her family or me, Serena is loyal. She has great belief and expectation of those she loves and in turn would go to the ends of the earth for them.

When/where did they propose?: To preface the proposal, I spent my a great portion of my life canoeing and camping in Algonquin, including my summers as a canoe guide. Our first date was in Algonquin where we paddled out to a little island and swam and chatted the afternoon away. Every year we go into the backcountry for a little escape.
This past May, the second the COVID restrictions were lifted, Brett insisted on a day trip to go for a paddle and picnic. A mini adventure to break up the monotony of isolation. We were going to paddle over to the next lake for lunch but then our cedar strip canoe sprung a leak. We changed course to our little first date island. In our usual fashion we went for a frigid spring skinny dip and he wrapped me up in a towel. With my ear pressed against his chest I could hear his heart pounding! I assumed it was from the cold but asked if he was ok... And there, in his birthday suit, he got down on one knee and popped the question. It was the embodiment of our relationship in a proposal - it was wonderful.
Photography: Jessica Crandlemire Photography