Five Fresh Events in Georgian Bay this September

Can you believe how quickly time has flown? Another summer month bites the dust. But don’t you worry, awesome events are still happening! We’ve got five fresh events in Georgian Bay you’ll want to add to your calendar for September. As always, we’ve already added a couple of these to our calendars, can you guess which ones?

This month includes more starry skies, delicious longtable dinners, charity events and a night market. Whether you’re a local, or just visiting, make sure to check out some of these amazing events. Let’s be real, no one likes a case of fomo.

We can’t take credit for any of these cool events. We’ll just be partaking in the merriment, or wishing that we were.


Sept 5-7, 12 &13, 19-21, 26 & 27 - Sumac and Salt dinner series

Good Family Farms

Chef Joel Grey and his partner, Hannah, have teamed up with Good Family Farms again for another series of dinners.

This forged and farmed dining experience is one you will remember for years to come. A cozy and welcoming space, full of the community spirit, is paired with delicious and inspiring food.

$100 per person


Sept 14 - Amazing Race (Georgian Bay Style)

Grandma Lambe’s, Meaford

An adult sized scavenger hunt that will challenge the mind and the body.

Get together your team of 4 and start raising money. Even better if you get yourself a secret handshake or a team cheer. There are 10-12 challenges that span between Meaford, Thornbury and Kimberley.

All money that is raised goes towards The Meaford Hospital Foundation.


Sep 15 - Longtable Heritage Dinner

5pm - 8:30pm
T & K Ferri Orchards

Oh boy! The list of culinary talent for this community longtable dinner is overwhelmingly amazing!

Featuring oysters by The Bivalve, wine from Georgian Hills Vineyards, food from The Grey and this barely even scratches the surface! This event brings together so much local talent and all the dining takes place at a 275 foot communal table (!!!!) nestled into an apple orchard.

Wanna hear an even better aspect? All proceeds are going to charity. <3

(We’re about to be the bearer of bad news though, this one is currently SOLD OUT)


Sept 21 - Stargazing

Coffin Ridge Boutique Winery

September is another magical month for tilting your head toward the skies.

Soak in the magic of the stars on one of the best patios in Ontario, while sipping a glass of wine.

Sounds pretty ok, right?

Join the Bluewater Astronomical Society as they guide you through the stars.

Marche de Nuit ad - small.jpg

Sept 28- Marche de Nuit

Downtown Midland

This night market will feature artists, storytellers, buskers, performers, musicians.

This event is all ages and looks like it will have a little bit of something for everyone.