Local Vendors
Local Vendors
Telling real, raw, beautiful stories of celebrating love in the Georgian Bay region
First Name
Last Name
Photographer's Name
Local Georgian Bay Vendors
How did you choose your venue?
What was the most important thing for you for your wedding day?
Please describe any unique details from your day and why they were special to you
What was the atmosphere you were trying to create?
What area of your wedding did you splurge on? (what was your top priority)
What area of your wedding did you save on?
What was your most memorable moment of the day?
Did you have a signature cocktail? What was it?
What was your biggest challenge in the planning process?
Did anything go wrong on your wedding day? How did you handle it?
What was your first dance song?
What wedding advice would you give to someone planning their wedding now?
Is there anything you would do differently if you could go back in time?
Thank you!