Cozy Winter Sunrise Couple's Session in Flesherton, Ontario
Photography: Frances Beatty Photography
Kathleen & David
Flesherton, Ontario
From the Photographer:
I met Kathleen & David at the Georgian Bay Wedding Show and immediately fell in love with their excitement and enthusiasm and the way they melted when the other one was close by. Shortly afterwards we started planning for their engagement shoot. They love the area so much, and it means a lot to their relationship, so we made arrangements to explore Grey County together. When planning a photo session, the most important thing I think about is light. Light is everything. Photo literally means “using or produced by light” so to me it makes sense to think of light as one of the subjects, the third wheel at a couple’s session (I’m the fourth). Winter can be tricky when it comes to light, as we have so little to play with. I floated the idea of a sunrise session and Kathleen & David jumped on it eagerly. This may have been my very first winter sunrise session and OH MY HEART! I’m not sure I can go back to anything else!? Everything twinkled. We had everything from a bright moon, to rich reds and yellows, to a pale pink sky.
We met on a rural road before the sun came up. The moon was still overhead as we collected ourselves and made a game plan to adventure together. The morning was extremely chilly, but it didn’t deter these two. In fact, you could hardly tell they felt the chill in the air at all. Whenever it got a little too biting, we would duck into the truck to warm up and head to a new vantage point.
I would gladly go adventuring with these two in the wee hours of the morn again.

From the Couple:
How did you choose your location?: The road that these were shot on was West back line just up from David’s work. Who knew a little back road could be so beautiful in the wee hours of the morning?

How did you meet?: David and I met at a truck stop just off the 401 outside of London, ON where, at the time, I was attending college. I am a huge fan of breakfast for dinner and just happened to be going to Denny’s at the Flying-J for supper. David at the time was a long haul trucker and had stopped there as well for a bite to eat. We ended up making small talk but didn't exchange numbers. Later on he found me on social media and decided to message me. 3 days later after some small talk over messenger he asked me out on a date. We both agreed on Friday at 6PM. Unfortunately David didn't show up till almost 9 PM!! I didn't even blink when he parked beside my car in the apartment parking lot (student housing) before running out to meet him in his truck because I was starving. We than made our way to a restaurant, and once we sat down and ordered food I finally got up the courage to ask him what took him so long. He said "well I had a 4 and a 1/2 hour drive." I said "What the heck, where were you coming from!?", He said "I don't think you'll know where it is." I said " TRY ME!", He said “well actually I came from Owen Sound...” I said “OWEN SOUND?!! I live in Elmwood, I know where that is!” He's like “really? I'm actually from Berkeley!”
So we met 2 and a 1/2 hours away in London when in reality we lived 20 minutes apart! He left the next day for a WHOLE month to volunteer in Haiti, and since then we've been together 3 years!
How did you fall in love?: The first time I truly knew that I loved David was on one of our first long haul truck rides to Pennsylvania. We had gotten to the place where we were going to unload and were waiting in line. We had laid down in the bunk and had started talking about the future and what we both desired and dreamed of for it. It then went from dreams to what the windows looked like, what colour the walls were, how many kids we wanted and so forth. What we both wanted lined up with what the other wanted. I waited till we were home from that trip to tell him that I loved him but, he beat me to it. He sat me down in the bunk and said "There's something very important I want to tell you, but I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. I love you." I told him that I to had been waiting to say it as well and that I was stoked that we both were going to say it at the same time.
What's your favourite thing about your partner?: I love how ridiculously tall he is. How caring he is as well and how much fun we have together even though half the time we’re just doing random adventures.
When/where did the proposal happen?: David proposed on November 20th 2018 at the top of Blue Mountain, we had gone to Oliver and Bonacini for supper and than decided to walk around downtown Collingwood. On our way home he wanted to stop at the top of the mountain to see the Collingwood city lights from the mountain. It was oh so cold but oh so very worth it!
Photographer: Frances Beatty Photography